
Showing posts from November, 2006

KISS - Keep it simple stupid!

I thought I'd jot down a few lines about KISS. It seems like people develop a red mist before their eyes when it comes to tools such as PDM/PLM. They don't look on them like Microsoft Word and prefer to customise the heck out of the tools. This does have distinct advantages such as adherence to corporate processes etc. In my opinion, though, people tend to forget about the long term costs of the custom solution. I've worked with a few PDM companies that have taken a long time to see the error of their ways, now producing "tailorable" tools that are out of the box (OOTB) with some things that you can change without the need to resort to coding. The major costs for companies that adopt the custom strategy is long maintenance of the solution. Each time a new major release comes out (about once a year for most of the companies in the field) you need to do some major effort before you can deploy the solution. Often interim releases require large efforts to deploy